Love Failures and rejections are more like an injury on our self worth. Why me? How can he/she change? Am I not good enough? These questions just kill our peace of mind. The person you trusted with all your secrets, feelings and emotions, the one with whom, you shared your worst and best version no longer wants you in their life. It's very difficult to accept the reality. And, as every physical injury takes time to heal, same is the case here, your heart too needs some time. So, don't rush, or feel pity about yourself. Have patience and start working on yourself.
Following are some of the things that you can do if you find yourself in the similar situation-
- Take out that anger-Hit a punching bag until you feel exhausted and tired, or go for a long walk or run. Let that bag of anger burst through your physical activity.
- Write whatever you feel on a paper. Write the things you liked about them. Write the things you didn't like. Maintain a log of your daily feelings in writing whether in your digital diary or normal piece of paper. But just let all those hidden emotions get out of you.
- There are still people who love you- Meet your parents or call them. Meet your friends. Or if you don't have anyone in your life, visit an orphanage or old age home. Believe me the love you'll receive there cannot be expressed in words.
- Don't contact that person. Imagine you have got an injury on your leg, because you hit a stone while walking. What will you do now, will you again go till that stone and now deliberately hit your injured leg on it? Same is the case here. No matter how much you miss them, don't contact them. Contact any random person but not them. Give yourself time to recover. Listen to songs, distract yourself with any other activity.
- Make a list of things you always wanted to do and start doing them-Now is the time when there is no one to stop you from doing whatever you wanted to. You can give time to your hobby or learn a new activity. Wanted to color your hair? Go give it a try. Wanted to go for sky diving or try your hands on wildlife photography? go for it. Give time to your wish list.
- Talk to yourself in the mirror daily for 5 minutes-Loudly repeat- “I am not that weak to surrender myself to this situation. I am the strongest person. I'll get through this. I am the Best.”
- Read inspirational books- Reading books can trigger our thoughts in a positive way and thats very vital thing we need during the depression phase.
- Pamper yourself- Who needs a guy or girl to feel good when you can buy the best of stuff for yourself. Go for shopping. Go for spa. Eat in the most awesome restaurant of your city. Love yourself.

- Hit the Gym- It is scientifically proven that physical exercises produce the happy hormone-dopamine . Also, going to gym will help you get in your best shape . Isn't it a win-win situation?
- Give yourself time to heal. Accept the reality, Be strong.
How To Overcome Depression Due To Love Failure
Maybe you are one of the people who have a hard time overcoming a breakup. If so, do not worry, you are not alone! You will not be the only one or the last to suffer for love.
The vital thing is not to stay there, but to continue with your life in the best possible way. Here I am going to leave you some tips so you can learn how to get out of a love failure :
Time To Cry
The emotions we feel are important, and even more is to demonstrate them.If you are sad because you have recently suffered a love disappointment , there is no reason to suppress it!
It is not that all day you are crying in the corners or in front of everyone.Find a friend with whom to let off steam and tell her your sorrows, you will see how you feel better.
Maybe you didn’t have the courage or the opportunity to tell your ex partner what you felt, well don’t leave it for later if you have the opportunity.
Even if it is not possible or it is very difficult for you to do something like that, you can make a letter, even if you never send it to them.
If you want help on this, I recommend you check Letter for my ex boyfriend.If you have to cry, don’t hold back, find a place and a moment of privacy and let your tears flow.
If you live with your family or children and do not want them to know, bath time or before bedtime can be ideal for crying.Of course, you have to put a brake on all that.
You cannot spend days and days crying and lamenting because the relationship ended.Everything has a limit, so crying too.There are times to be sad, but you cannot eternalize them and turn your life into suffering.
If you feel that you are very depressed and that you cannot stop crying by your own means and will, you may need the help of a professional.But remember that even in the most severe depressions, the patient has to do his part.
Cheer Up
It is important, then, that you manage to lift your spirits. It is no use to spend all day lying on the sofa or in bed sleeping or watching television.
Much less advisable is to be surfing the web, especially if you are dedicated to knowing what your ex is doing!And miss work or school or think about it! You are not mourning, nor are you seriously ill.
The best way to distract yourself is to resume your daily tasks.There are those who affirm that there is nothing better to overcome a love failure than to work.
If you keep your mind occupied you will not have time to recreate yourself in pain.
Time For Yourself
If you are one of those girls who lives according to others, then it is time to change this a bit!After a breakup, it is best to spend time for yourself.Relax, enjoy a good meal, a pleasant trip and your loneliness.
It is true that introspection shortly after suffering a love failure can be difficult to achieve, but not impossible!Search within yourself for things that are good for you and be a little selfish. Give yourself the time and space you need so much with yourself.
Pamper Yourself A Little
And in this time, you can pamper yourself a little.Please with the gift of a good movie, give yourself something you like and have always wanted.
Travel to the place you wanted so much to go, but there was never time.Remember that you also need love and attention, and who better than yourself to give them to you?
When it comes to overcoming a love disappointment, you also have to leave behind the shortcomings you had when you were with him, and this is achieved by giving you love.
Sometimes we have continuous love failures and we don’t know the cause.Well, this is it: we don’t know how to love ourselves and we don’t spend time on it.
Fix Yourself
Of course, you can’t walk all messy.I know that you are very sad and that you have no desire for anything, but this is the moment in which you most have to get ready!
To get out of a love failure the most important thing, as I told you, is that you do your part.So change the sleepwear for your new dress that you have hardly worn.Put on those shoes that you like so much, make up, fix your hair and nails …
Go for a walk, even if only to a place near home.If you want help with this, put yourself in the hands of professionals through the 12 sites that will help you revolutionize your image .
However, the biggest change has to come from within. So raising your self-esteem is the most important.You can find additional advice if you later review the article How to be more attractive: 10 tips to be confident in yourself .
Leave Home
It is normal that after a break you do not want to leave home.It is even logical that you prefer the loneliness and intimacy of your home, even to avoid awkward questions about your boy, which will surely come.
According to psychology, the failure of love also brings this together, but that does not mean that we agree.Seek loneliness and tranquility to be with yourself and your suffering is natural, but there must be limits.
It is best to leave home every time you feel bad and sad.A walk in the open air, a walk, shopping, everything can help you overcome the break!
Of course going to work or school will be essential, as I told you, because you can get distracted and change the atmosphere of your home, which can become totally flawed with your sadness.
Have Fun With Your Friends
Friends can be the best allies if overcoming love failures is about. I already told you that you can have your best friend’s help to let off steam, but also to distract you and go for a walk!
Sometimes, when we have a partner, we distance ourselves from the closest friends.Maybe even our whole world has turned to that boy and we have forgotten other loved ones.
Well, this is the time to return to your friends, to learn the lesson and not get too far away from them. Going out to dance, meeting to talk, remembering old times and updating what you know about each other’s life can be great ways to have fun.
I am sure you will find laughter and joy among these people. This will make you feel better and see that there are other good things beyond your boy.
Meet New Places
Discovering new routes to retrace can also be a good way out of a love failure .If you have the possibility to travel far for a while it would be ideal.
But, it will be enough if you spend your time going on vacation to another place away from home. You can also try to discover new places near where you live or work:
A disco where to go dancing with friends, a coffee where to spend the afternoon, a good restaurant, a natural park, etc.
If you discover places to spend your time instead of staying at home, it will be a great way to distract yourself and stay away from sad thoughts. Discover unusual places to meet a partner and do not lose hope in love.
Meet New People
Remember that it is important that you make new friends.Surely, if you have been in a relationship for a long time, the friends you have are also his friends.
This, of course, that will constantly remind you of the relationship they had and will hurt you more.So what I recommend is that you meet new people, that you interact with people around you at work or school.
You will see that by expanding your circle of friendships you will also expand your interests and have more opportunities to distract yourself and even find possible partners in the future.
Learn To Live With Yourself
There are people who don’t know how to be alone. Maybe you are one of them, maybe it costs you a lot of work to be without a partner.
This can be one of the main causes of continuous love failures .You must learn to live with you, without greater company than you.Don’t be looking for a possible partner, a life partner, a lover all the time.
If you enjoy your loneliness and how you are, you will learn to know yourself and this will enable you to have more success in your future interpersonal relationships, whether as a couple or not.
Does One Nail Take Out Another?
Many people think that this theory is true, and many work for them.But the key is knowing how to wait for the right moment, not despair, to “hammer” in the right place.
If you throw yourself into the arms of another desperate to find love, if you run to a new boy and another relationship to placate the suffering caused by a love failure, do you think it will end well?
If you need help with this topic, I recommend you to keep checking. One nail does get another nail: Start a relationship with a broken heart and sentimental relationships: Expert reveals how to succeed in them!