Tuesday, 25 March 2025
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Why She Left You

Why She Left You

Your girlfriend suddenly broke up with you out of the blue. You are left stunned, heart broken, alone…You ask yourself “why did she break up with me?” Was it something you said? Did her attraction for you vanish? Is there ANOTHER GUY attracting her?

The #1 Reason Your Girlfriend Broke Up With You

When it comes to getting dumped by a girl, the true reason lurking behind it all is ATTRACTION.

You see, when your girl started to “like you” and then became your girlfriend, it was because, one way or another, you TRIGGERED ATTRACTION in her.

And now… she’s probably deciding to break up with you because she doesn’t FEEL that attraction anymore. Because you stopped triggering it in her!

Notice how I said “Feel.” I’m saying that a girl has to feel this attraction for her to “like you” …and you will have to make her feel that attraction again if she’s going to decide to take you back.

If you don’t get her to feel the attraction, no amount of convincing or begging will make her come back to you.

Get the picture?

Because if you don’t get it, you won’t be able to reverse your break up and get your girlfriend back.

Your goal should be to trigger the attraction in her again, and make her feel it.

Unfortunately however, most men simply don’t get this.

Most men don’t “get” how attraction works… and they end up decimating their chances with their ex girlfriend.

Instead of doing the behaviors and actions that powerfully create attraction, the average guy tries to logically convince their ex that she should stay with him.

He begs, gets on his knees, or showers her with gifts and flowers to win her affection back.

Unfortunately though, this does NOTHING… except to make you look like a WUSSY in the eyes of the woman.

Instead, his chances of getting back his ex would dramatically improve if he realized how attraction gets TRIGGERED in the mind of a woman.

He has to realize the attitudes and behaviors he had to create attraction initially in the relationship… AND GO BACK TO DOING THEM AGAIN!

Now if you want to learn how to re-attract your ex girlfriend back to you, it’s extremely important to learn how attraction is LOST.


How Attraction Fades Away

Here’s the deal… if your girlfriend left you, then she probably feels less attraction for you than she used to feel. (We went over this)

But this also means that somewhere along the line, something happened — you did SOMETHING… that made her lose this attraction.

It’s almost as if there was a “leak” in her tank of attraction for you… and you probably didn’t notice the attraction gradually leaking over time.

Now I’m going to go over the key culprits that kill the attraction in a relationship.

If you’re asking yourself “why did she break up with me?” then you’re probably unaware of the “silent” mistakes I’m about to reveal.

I’m even willing to bet that at least 1 of these mistakes led to the “attraction leak” in your relationship.

I’m pretty damn sure of it… so listen up!


Deadly Mistakes That Decimate Attraction in a Relationship

Have you ever felt yourself doing anything of the following?…

Getting too needy…

Getting too clingy…

Getting too jealous…

These feelings are little tiny viruses that get into your mind and sabotage the attraction you are making your girlfriend feel.

You see, when you get too much into needy-mode, clingy-mode, or jealous-mode in a relationship, it often leads to…


The Downward Spiral of Neediness

Let me explain.

Let’s say you are happy and confident. You meet a girl, and she likes you because you are happy and confident.

Simple enough.

Now it progresses, and she becomes your girlfriend, and she texts you every day… always wants to meet up with you… always “lol-ing” and enthusiastic.

Now this makes you feel very good. It makes you feel even more happy and confident.

But the thing is, you now slowly start getting DEPENDENT on that rush of feelings you get when she treats you that way… and you start getting dependent on her VALIDATION to feel happy and confident.

So now what happens when one day your girlfriend slightly goes cold on you, or doesn’t you back for a whole day?

Your little bubble of validation stops getting inflated, your happiness and confidence starts to go down,and you start to get all worried and acting NEEDY towards your girlfriend.

And of course, your girlfriend now starts acting even MORE distant!

She acts distant because your vanishing confidence and toxic neediness is making you do “needy shit”…

Instead of making her feel attracted to you with your happy and confident character, she now feels that you are acting too much like a “wussy”…


Now I don’t need to tell you that women don’t feel attraction for wussies. THIS is what makes her attraction for you FADE…

And now the handsome co-worker that likes her, suddenly starts catching her eye… because HE is acting more “happy and confident” and that is triggering attraction in her.

Of course, when you feel that your girl is giving another man more attention than you, you get JEALOUS… which depletes your confidence even MORE and you start acting more and more like a wussy, leading to the downward spiral of neediness that ultimately implodes and ends with your girlfriend dumping you.

Can you see how this cycle might happen?

Has it happened to you in the past?

Is it happening to you right now?

If this is you, then here are the next 2 steps you MUST take to reverse your break up.



Stop doing the needy wussy-mode behaviors that pushed her away and made her break up with you. In fact, that’s probably the simplest answer to “why did she break up with me?” — too much wussy-mode behaviors.

The moment you stop them — whether it’s sending “I miss you texts”… whether you’re begging for her to come back to you… or whether you’re sending flowers to her work — that will be the moment you stop the downward spiral of neediness and you start giving yourself a chance to get her back.


Simple. Learn the behaviors that actually DO trigger attraction in women. 


More things you need to know:

15 reasons why she really left you 

1. She’s gone because you’ve never really given her the feeling that you appreciate her. You never gave her the impression that you are grateful to have such a woman by your side.

2. She left because she was tired of constantly having to fight for your attention and love. She no longer felt that her efforts would even bear fruit.

3 . She left because you never really became the man she needed by her side. She has never felt really safe in your relationship. You have increased her insecurities and often showed her that she can not build a stable life with you.

4. She left because she sensed that you were distancing yourself too much from the man she had fallen in love with in the beginning. She felt the distance between you two more and she was so tired of having to bridge this distance with all her strength.

5. She left because she finally realized that you took her for granted. You have never really appreciated her efforts. You never really understood how much she gave you.

6. She’s gone because, even if she was in a relationship with you, it felt like she was not in a relationship with her at all. You have not really made her feel like you’re 100% her partner in all circumstances.

7. She left because she was tired of crying to sleep. And one morning, she realized that a relationship should make you smile rather than cry.

8. She left because at one point she only felt she had to force herself to be happy with you. But then she finally understood that happiness can not be forced.

9. She left because her goals, dreams and worries never really caught your interest. She always had the feeling that she had to deal with her worries and problems in life alone.

10. She left because she was tired of all the drama, the quarrels, the power struggles and the psycho games. She realized that two people who love each other would never do such a thing.

11. She left because you never really inspired or encouraged her to be a better person. In fact, she felt you were constantly provoking the worst side of her personality. In the end she had the impression that her life was just worse when you were there.

12. She left because you did not look at her like she was the only woman in the room, the only woman in her life. Many more wandered and searched your eyes for more, for something new, for something that interests you more than them.

13. She left because she realized that she can not lead this relationship alone. She realized that a relationship never has a future unless two people do everything they can to stay together.

14. She left because she saw that she deserved to be with someone who strives, values ​​and does not take for granted. And she has had enough of your cold kind and that you are only half in our relationship.

15. She left because she finally realized that you could never love her the way she deserved to be loved.


How To Meet New People And Start Meaningful Friendships; How to Find Love And How To Love; How To Be Happy In A Relationship; How To Live Happily & How To Make Friends ... All And All In loversschool.com


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