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Signs A Girl Loves You But Is Trying Not To Show It

You met the girl of your dreams, and she seems to be interested in you, as you both share your secrets and fears. However, she has not expressed her love for you yet. Despite having feelings for her, you do not know how to proceed. As much as falling in love is a great feeling, it may not always be simple and straightforward.

A woman’s heart is a deep sea of secrets; she also might have fallen for you, but could be shy, or waiting for the right time to say, “I love you.”

If you have a hunch that she is hiding her feelings for you, then here are 25 signs, which might give you hints about what lies in her hear

25 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings For You

1- She smiles, and it is not out of courtesy. Her smile genuinely displays that she is happy to see you. In a room full of people, if you spot her looking at you and smiling, then this could be a sign that she has feelings for you.

2- She mentions you several times. For instance, when she is talking about ten things, and six things are about you, then there is a high chance that she likes you. It could be your obsession with keeping things in order or your silly fixation on video games; she seems to like it all just because you do them, and she does not hesitate to tell the others about it. 

3- She keeps in touch with you throughout the day; it could be a ‘good morning,’ or a ‘how is your day going on’ message, she tries to keep the conversation going on by texting often. If your girl is doing all this and nothing else, it could mean she is taking time to get to know you better while hiding her true feelings for you.

4- She shows through body language. Your girl might be hiding her feelings verbally, but the body language is something she cannot conceal. If she likes you, she will be her own self around you. She might sit closer to you, try to touch you, or play with her hair while talking to you. All these could be clues that she is interested in you.

5- She flirts subtly by holding your hand while walking or sending you a flirty text; such subtle flirting could signify that she is hiding her true feelings for you. Sometimes, she would also lead you into an intimate and private conversation, but stop it midway when it is getting too intense. This is probably because she is afraid of getting too close. 

6- She told your friends about you. Your precious woman may have many male friends, but she would only talk about someone special to her girl squad. If her besties know everything about you, then it could be a strong sign that you are special.

7- When she is with you, she will let her guard down. It could be her habit of eating junk food or her funny laugh, she would not try to hide them from you. When a girl is hiding her feelings for you, she will not say it through words but will show it by being herself with you. If you know things about her which no one knows, then she has certainly reserved a special place for you in her heart. 

8- She will look into your eyes while talking to you or having dinner. Constant eye contact could be a sign of attraction. If you catch your girl stealing glances at you, then that is a strong sign that she has fallen for you. She might act all cold if you catch her in the act, but her eyes would not be able to hide her true feelings.

9- A girl who is interested in you, but is trying to hide her feelings would like to know all the details about your life; she would like to enquire about your family, friends, and hobbies. She would also try to show enthusiasm in things that excite you.


10- She would try to impress you. A girl who has a crush on you would try to impress you with her qualities. She would subtly mention about her accomplishments and also try to excel at things you like. She would also be mindful of her appearance. All these could be her way of hinting her feelings for you.

11- She becomes possessive when you talk to other female friends. Though she has not confessed her feelings for you, she would get angry whenever she finds you talking to other girls. She may also take a step forward and show other girls that you are off-limits for them. Such jealousy could be a sign that she has feelings for you. 

12- She remembers everything about you, from the way you like your morning coffee, to your parents’ wedding anniversary, and other important information about your life. She will even remember the silliest details of your life. A girl who is secretly in love with you would remember all the random things about you, like your favorite food, color, music band, etc.

13- If a girl has feelings for you, then she would value your opinion above everything. She would frequently ask you if she was right doing something because what you think of her matters. Also, she wants you to have a good opinion about her.

14- Whenever you are in trouble or need some emotional support, she is always there for you. Though she has not yet told you her feelings, she will always make time for you and see to it that she is present for all the major and minor things in your life.

15- She laughs at your jokes, even when they are silly because she doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed or she wants to show that she likes everything you do. Laughter could be a sure sign that she has fallen for you. 

16- She would be your no.1 cheerleader. Whether it is small or big moments, she would encourage you during all your ups and downs in life. She would celebrate your achievements and show how proud she is of you. Though she may not say “I love you,” she might be liking you secretly if she is the one who always wants the best for you.

17- She takes extra care to look presentable whenever she is going out with you. If you find her wearing an outfit you said you liked, then it is a sign that she wants to impress you. She might act all cold and distant, but she will always make sure she dresses up the way you like when she goes out with you.

18- It could be a beach picnic or just Netflix and chill, a girl who has feelings for you would look forward to spending some alone time with you. Though this alone time will have physical boundaries, if she is initiating to spend time alone with you, it could mean that she trusts you and wants to know more about you.

19- Though no feelings have been exchanged between you two, people around you would get the hints and ask if you two are a couple. Also, she might have subtly mentioned it to some of her friends. But why didn’t she tell you directly? Maybe she is scared or waiting for the right moment.

20- A woman’s heart is mysterious. No matter how much your girl might like you, she would not confess her feelings until she is sure of you. If you find the woman of your dreams constantly asking questions about your dating life, then she might be determining whether you are a player or a loyal person.

21- If you have already introduced her to your gang of friends and she is trying to impress your friends, then it could be a sign that she likes you and wants your friends to like her, too.


22- She tries to take care of you. If your girl looks after you by doing little things, like cooking supper or reminding you to take medicines when you are sick, then she could be interested but is hiding her feelings from you.

23- You may often find her asking silly and unrelated questions; for example, she might say, “I am tired of my job, I would like to quit. What do you think?” In reality, she may have no intention to do so, but she wants to gauge your reactions. You may find such questions out of context, but this could be her way to know more about you.

24- It is said that human beings adopt mannerisms of people they like, so if you find your girl imitating your behavioral patterns, then it could be a sign that she likes you.

25- Last but not least, you might often find her worried about your well-being. She might behave like she has no feelings for you, but she would get all tense if your phone is not reachable, or if you come back late from work, or skip meals. This is because deep inside, she likes you so much that she cannot bear the thought of anything happening to you.


These are some of the signs that may hint you that she is hiding her feelings from you. However, while observing these signs, you need to be careful as most of them might also be true if she is thinking of you as her best friend.

If you are sure that she has feelings for you, then it is best to know the reason behind her hesitation and clear it, so that she would be sure of you and confess her feelings openly. However, if she thinks of you only as a friend, then it is best to respect her choice and treat her as a friend, as unrequited love could damage both sides.

How To Meet New People And Start Meaningful Friendships; How to Find Love And How To Love; How To Be Happy In A Relationship; How To Live Happily & How To Make Friends ... All And All In loversschool.com


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